Welcome To

Seth Anandram Jaipuria School

C.B.S.E. Affiliated School

Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Hamirpur ,It is a senior secondary co-educational school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi up to Class XII. Life at SPS progresses on a shared commitment to academic excellence, athletics, and high standards of ethical awareness, sportsmanship, and community service. the students’ life is enhanced by exposing them to the school’s traditions and accessibility to a wider curriculum by providing depth and variety to scholastic and co-scholastic activities conducted on regular basis. Situated on the pollution free area, the campus of the school is spread over a lush green vanity on Hamirpur Road. Designed to foster maximum productivity of students’ abilities, the campus is divided aesthetically and thematically into various blocks. The School provides education from Pre-Primary to senior secondary level. The School is fully equipped with strong and well planned infrastructure and all required amenities along with highly skilled, trained and dedicated teachers and support staff.

Seth Anandram Jaipuria School
Notice Board

School Objectives

Chairman Message

Chairman Message

Welcome to Seth Anandram Jaipuria School,! When educating the minds of the youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts’. These wise words by Dalai Lama resonate with our o…

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Dr. Devraj Singh

Founder Message

Schools are the nurseries where our children receive their tender loving care and imbibe social skills, understanding of cultures, grooming and of course the skills necessary to be…

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Principal Message

Principal Message

And I said to the angel who stood at the gate of time, ”Give me the light that I may tread safely into the dream future of mine. And He Replied: Take the path ‘less trodden b…

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Why Choose Us ?

  • Strength of a section restricted to 25-30 to give personal care to each student.
  • Less home work: creative assignments & work sheets to avoid mental as well as financial burden of private tutoring at home.
  • English lab for language fluency and Maths lab for better understanding Of the subject. Lincoln Library for inspiring Reading habits.
  • Audio Visuals through Overhead Projectors, CD ROMs & Smart Classrooms to make learning process easier.
  • Debates and Group Discussions for better exposure. Hobby Classes as a creative outlet.

Our Specialities

Smart Education

No heavy bags to carry, Smart Board Enable Classroom and Digital Educations.

Sports & Activities

Leaders in Sports & Games [International, National, State and District Level]

Confidence Booster

Confidence is boosted by interaction with eminent scholars, Doctors, Leaders and Officers.

Right of Student

All students have voice in the classroom and multitude of opportunities.

Special Attention

All students have Teacher’s attention & teachers listen to them.


All Students are proud of their accomplishments.

Implementing Programme

Teachers are implementing programmes to improve student’s learning.

Co-operative Learning

Teachers encourage group co-operative learning and problem solving.

Secure Environment.

School provides a secure homely, personal and challenging environment.

Our Toppers

Recent Activities